Friday, November 20, 2009

How To Make Politicians Better..


Johan said...

another trusted institution??as if they would allow it in the first place..even if they did,it would inevitably end up as yet another puppet of the executive..

we need to take back the power..we need a peoples' revolution..and this starts with anger and protests..

anyway,i disagree with your statement that we should not show our anger..politicians do not laugh when we curse them..rumblings on the ground will worry them,if they are smart enough to take heed..

mOEha Aziz said...


another institution... it might works... still, given a periode of time, it shall stray away just like others have been... it's a nature of man... wheneva their dealing with money, they will be mad... as for the protest, we dont need to be hard and jeopardise our main course... dont give them a mean to drag us down... do it subtlely n surprise them when they least suspected... wallahua'lam

Cob Nobbler said...

So that's why dalam entry aku dulu,back to the people.

Masa aku kat forum PSM tu,ramai yang sibuk mempromosi sistem dua parti.Bebel sana bebel sini,satu perkataan yang tak dimention dalam pengagihan kuasa - rakyat.Pakatan Rakyat tak termasuk dalam istilah rakyat(dalam kamus aku).

Sekarang kalau rajin tengok lawak bodoh Astro Awani,hari-hari bebel pasal ekonomi 2.0,politik 2.0,semua nak 2.0.Tapi apa yang 2.0 nya - balik-balik yang kena penyek rakyat jugak.Benda ni dah berlaku sejak 10,000 tahun yang lalu - negara pertama di dunia diasaskan di tebing sungai Euphrates.

Pulangkan kuasa kepada rakyat.Bila nak bina jambatan,tanya rakyat - bukan main bagi hadiah2 kontrak kat geng-geng je.

Ever wonder,daripada 27 juta rakyat Malaysia ni,13 juta adalah kelas pekerja,petani dan nelayan.Dan 10 juta lagi anak-anak muda.

Tapi siapa yang paling beruntung di dalam Malaysia?

Ada 1 Agong,9 Raja,ada cucu-cicit raja dalam berpuluh(atau beratus),222 Ahli Parlimen,505 ADUN,dan beberapa kerat kontraktor yang rapat dengan pucuk pimpinan parti - tak kira yang berbaris atau berpakat.

Now - mana pergi suara 13 juta pekerja,petani dan nelayan dan 10 juta suara anak muda ni?Pergi mana?

Bila buat decision tak tanya rakyat,bila rosak ke runtuh,rakyat yang mati,rakyat yang cedera,rakyat yang kena tanggung hutang(duit cukai dan peningkatan harga - inflasi).

Bila bebel dalam blog,cakap aku tak praktikal la,apa la,banyak cakap je lebih la.

Aku ada jugak pergi piket protes kilang kat Nilai.

Anonymous said...

Another institution? Like the USA's Federal Reserve System? No, thank you!

Anonymous said...

soalan bodoh

kenapa gambar politician tu bukan gambar najib?

najib adalah politician no 1 malaysia

dia pegang duit cukai rakyat malaysia

kenapa perlu mengubah persepsi?

adakah ini termasuk program pembohongan melayu secara halus?

aku bukan suka sangat kat anwar

tapi aku tak suka manusia hipokrit lidah bercabang...cakap lain, buat lain


Anonymous said...


soalan bodoh

kenapa gambar politician tu bukan gambar najib?

najib adalah politician no 1 malaysia

dia pegang duit cukai rakyat malaysia

kenapa perlu mengubah persepsi?

adakah ini termasuk program pembodohan melayu secara halus?

cakap tak suka akhbar bodohkan rakyat? tapi kenapa lakukan jugak

aku bukan suka sangat kat anwar

tapi aku tak suka manusia hipokrit lidah bercabang...cakap lain, buat lain


Anonymous said...

stupidla jibam.

The fact is Anwar was Finance Minister and deputy Prime Minister.

Jibam- u're actually the real melayu bodoh not BB.

Even BB didn't say 'anwar cant be trusted' but merelay said 'politicians'.

so its general.

Jibam- shame on you.

BB- good posting. I admire your work.

Basuh Baju said...

Johan: betul juga tu. at the first place politicians ni bagi ke tak. even benda2 melibatkan periuk nasi diorang (of coz periuk nasi yg haram sebab korupsi,etc).

Nami: idea tu bagus- kita bagi kuasa kepada rakyat. tp lets discuss more detail apa yg dikatakan dgn bagi kepada rakyat.

ambil malaysia- kita ada 28 juta rakyat. so adakah setiap kali decision kena consult rakyat? kalau ya, bgmana caranya? adakah dgn referendum? tp cara ni lecehla.

leceh sebab ia membazir masa dan tenaga. asal setiap kali nak buat keputusan kena buat referendum atau feedback.

leceh juga sebab bagamana kalau tak ada kolektif decision. adalah amat mustahil utk setiap keputusan rakyat akan sependapat. even kalau majoriti pon rakyat sokong benda tu, tak semestinya keputusan tu betul. sebab benda popular dan disokong boleh jadi tak betul.

lagi satu, apa guna kerajaan pula begitu? at the first place kita yg pilih mereka utk represent kita. sama macam kau turun demonstrai kat nilai. kau represent pekerja2 tu. so begitu juga dgn politikus kita. we vote for them utk buat kerja dan majukan negara.

so the best way is- ada limit juga yg kena dengar suara rakyat. dan apa yg ptg kita kena vote in person yg betul.

tanpa nama: federal reserve tu illegal. kedua itu bank pusat. kat malaysia dah ada pun iaitu bank negara.

jibam: kenapa bukan najib? sebab najib tak hensem. haha

apa masalah kalau taruk anwar? politicians jugak kan?

anwar tak pegang duit rakyat?

1- anwar pernah pegang masa jadi menteri.

2- anwar jadi penasihat ekonomi selangor which is ada kuasa nak uruskan duit.

so kenapa tak boleh anwar?

nak bodohkan minda melayu? memberitahu fakta yg politicians tak boleh dipercayai adalah satu bentuk pembodohan? even apa kaitan dgn melayu dlm hal ni? ada je politikus bangsa lain. dan kebodohan boleh berlaku dlm setiap bangsa bukan melayu je.

so apa hipokritnya aku akt sini?

pernah aku ckp aku sokong anwar? pernah aku ckp sila percaya pada politkus?

sila check fakta anda sebelum memberi komen. takut2 daripada menuduh orang bertanay soalan bodoh, diri sendiri beri komen tak berapa bijak. hehe

but its ok. :)

Anonymous said...

kalau aku cakap lu bodoh sombong marah

ada aku tulis ko sokong anwar?

ada aku tuduh ko tulis suruh percaya politikus?

ko pernah tulis yang akhbar melayu buat artikel membodohkan rakyat....sila semak semula blog ko

so bagi aku lu cuba ubah persepsi semasa dengan meletakkan anwar sebagai pemegang duit rakyat skang ni padahal yang paling utama dan berkuasa adalah ala2 nak bodohkan pembaca jugak la...dari perspektif aku

memang anwar pernah pegang duit rakyat, tak pulak aku nafikan....

bab soalan bodoh tu maksud aku adalah soalan yg aku bagi iaitu kenapa tak letak najib....itu aje soalan bodoh dari aku....sori la kalau lu memang fakap macam anwar jugak....sekian


Basuh Baju said...

Jibam: the point is I want to state politicians. doesnt matter anwar or najib or even nik aziz. to the extent nik aziz too control tax payers money right.

so anwar ahli politik ke tidak? simple as that. I dont think pembaca akan terasa diperbodohkan or whatnot.

aiyyah, this posting is not about anwar at all. its about our money being trusted to politicians..thats it. small things please small mind okey?

Cob Nobbler said...

ada limit juga yg kena dengar suara rakyat.

Tapi bila nko mengundi,nko cakap politicians tak boleh dipercayai.

Politicians dalam artikel nko adalah wakil rakyat.

Weh,nko tak rasa contradict ke dengan ape yang nko tulis?By due to my respect,nko sedar tak bila nko cakap - lecehlah suara rakyat nak kena dengar satu-satu - nko meremehkan suara rakyat.

Then,kalau tak nak rumit sangat,baik hidup dalam negara diktator.Sorang yang decide,best or worst lantak rakyat la.Dan takde politicians except one guy.

Beb - nak bina tabika kemas kat kampung pun,kena refer dengan semua orang kampung.Kalau main bina je - tu yang jambatan runtuh rakyat takde tempat nak mengadu.

Basuh Baju said...

nami: ha, kat sini kau slh fhm rasanya..

aku tak kata kita perlekehkan suara rakyat. tp apa limitnya dlm mendengar suara rakyat.

ambik cth yg kau berikan, nak buat tabika kemas kita tanya orang kamopung.

persoalannya, kita tanya kesemua penduduk kampung tersebut atau kita hanya tanya beberapa wakil daripada kampung tersebut?

mgkn bagi idealisme kau, kita tanya semua. tp realiti dan praktikalnya, mana lagi senang? nak tanya kesemua penduduk atau tanya wakil penduduk dlm membuat keputusan?

dan sekalipun kau pilih untuk bertanyakan semua penduduk, mcm mana kalau keputusan tu tak sebulat suara. ada yg sokong bina tabika kemas, ada yang batah dan ada yang berkecuali. bgmana kau nak tentukan keputusan. kesemuanya adalah suara rakyat.

so point aku adalah, kita kena dgr suara rakyat tp ada limitnya. Ada key decision yg hanya boleh dibuat oleh pakar2 dlm bidang tersebut. Cth dlm bidang ekonomi. Tak semua rakyat tahu pasal ekonomi. so takkan nak mintak semua rakyat kita membuat keputusan sedangkan at the first place tak semua rakyat tahu ttg ekonomi.

so berbalik pd posting ni aku bagi analogi.

dlm sebuah syarikat, modalnya datang daripada shareholder. Tetapi yg diamanahkan utk membuat keputsan ialah CEO. dan CEO dilantik oelh shareholder. Bila CEO buat silap, shareholder boleh pecat CEO.

so dlm analogi ni shareholder ialah rakyat dan CEO ialah politician.

apa yg aku cadangkan ialah CEO hanya buat kerja spt sediakan pelan pembangunan,etc ttp hal2 duit diserahkan kepada pihak lain. Mungkin CFO, COO atau pihak lain.

Bermakna politicians kita hanya jalankan tugas sebagai lawmakers bukan moneymakers.

Ez Puella Sapiens said...

The goals of socialism is to achieve communism,stateless and classless society.

Vladimir Lenin.

I rasa you yang salah faham kat sini.Bukan Nami.I rasa Nami clear dengan point dia.Dia cakap macam tu sebab dia nak eliminate government.But to achieve stateless and classless society,you have to give power to the people.Semua perkara dari peringkat kampung,kampung yang decide sendiri.Tak perlu tunggu budget dari government.

You kena tengok,socialist root from the word social.Social means masyarakat.Everything has to be done to gain social interests.Capitalism roots from the word capital.Which is profit.Everything has to be done to achieve profit interests.

I have sorry to say,KBSM books might say,kalau nak achieve socialism kena ada government yang dictator sebab nak bagi sama rata.But kalau orang yang tak suka follow textbook ni fikir,kenapa nak suruh orang atas decide untuk nasib diri sendiri.

And bila semua kampung dalam dunia dah macam tu,takde la state lagi.Itu concept dia.

Don't argue with him about government.He despises it.And first step towards stateless society,is giving every power that government have to the people,until people realizes it's stupid to have a government.

And please,don't refer to buku Milton Friedman.Dia punya pasal Ronald Reagan hutang sampai US$10 trillion.

Ez Puella Sapiens said...

Oh,lupa nak tambah lagi.

Politicians in my perspective,should not be existed.Like lawyers,they're all scumbags trying to confuses people's mind.

For people who hates them,neither moneymaker or lawmaker,they shouldn't be existed.

Ez Puella Sapiens said...

tak semua rakyat tahu ttg ekonomi

I rasa you yang tak tau apa itu ekonomi.

Economy is an activity of human to pursue food and warmth.

Kalau you cakap orang kampung tak pandai ekonomi,memanglah you ni menghina orang kampung tau.You ingat untuk urus ekonomi you wajib ke baca buku yang guna Latin tu?Ceteris Paribus?Stimulus?

Orang kampung tanam padi,bela ikan kat sawah.Makan.Bukan suka-suka,tapi untuk makan.

You boleh baca semua buku economy dalam dunia ni,tapi you lupa dua perkara,ekonomi ni untuk apa,ekonomi ni siapa yang janakan.

Bukan semua orang kampung tau pasal ekonomi,I thought you're anti textbook.

Your mindset is textbook oriented.

Johan said...

Agree with Nami n Ez..every voice should be heard..cakap2 bahawa semua tu "leceh n rumit" is not acceptable..BB,benda2 mcm tu yg buat rakyat marah kepada Mahathir Mohamad dan Abdullah Badawi..

Johan said...

Aku tahu banyak idea2 ko dapat dari Mahathir Mohamad..termasuk merendah2kan intellect rakyat(ko ckp rakyat tak tahu ekonomi)..tapi nak buat macam mana,ni lah manifestasi sikap bodoh sombong akibat sistem pelajaran kita..either yg mengagung2kan si "pakar ekonomi RM 1" tu atau si "pakar ekonomi dunia"(Adnan Yaakob yg ckp Mahathir pakar ekon dunia,bukan aku)

Basuh Baju said...

Ez: okey,so i take ur advice. Dont argue with Nami about concept about government. At the end our goal is different. Dia nak konsep tanpa negara sedangkan aku percaya pada konsep negara. so susahlah kan.hehe

Point 2: so mgkn kita tak perlu ada cikgu jgk sbb ada cikgu mengajar benda tak betul. tak payah ada arkitek sbb ada yg design flawed. engineer pon tak perlu ada sbb ada yg tak reti buat calculation smpai collapse building. Right?

Point 3: Okey. I agree with u. My mistake because not understanding the concept of economy.

but i never mentioned yg org kampung tak pandai ttg ekonomi. U yg buat statement tu dan implicate I. kan?

the point is like key decision such as automotive policy, industrial policy, etc not everyone knows about it. People yg dlm industri pertanian certainly know nothing about automotive. So just that for the sake nak dengar suara suara rakyat- adakah perlu kita tanya pendapat, dengar suara mereka yg bukan di dlm bidang tersebut?

orang dlm pertanian nak tentukan ttg dasar automotif? tak makes sense kan?

so please be clear. I said we should lidten to them but there is a limit. Ada benda kena tanya pendapat semua rakyat. Ada benda tak boleh dan mesti ditentukan oleh key player dan pakar2 dlm bidang tersebut.

Itu shj point I.

ps: how do you define textbook oriented mindset? kat harvard, oxford they used nobel laurete punya buku sbg textbook. Or maybe the exact question should be- which textbook?

johan: check ur fact first before komen ok. It shows that sape bodoh sombong sbnrnya..I said we should listen to the people but there is a limit. If there is no limit- we couldn't get a collective decision.

Oh yeah, kau mungkin terselamat drpd sistem pendidikan di Malaysia yg membodohkan. who knwos kau sekolah di oversea. Tu yg minda kau tak bodoh sombong. It is good for u to have that privillege. I envy that. hehe

Anonymous said...

u guys discuss mmg intresting,

aku nk pk secara praktikal je ni.

stateless government.bagi aku sgt idelistic, how nk implement ek?tru revolution,mcm zaman2 WWR2 dlu,zaman renaissance,.dlu bangunan x besar, hutan pon byk nk perang, if now, kite nk rebel, byk jugak benda yang yang kite kene sacrifice, anak x pegi sekolah, tempat sekeliling x selamat, tah2, menara petronas pon bole runtuh..
and mase nk implement stateless tu, mcm mane tibe2 cikgu2 rase nk amik kesempatan or tokey jual beras nk amik kesempatan..hahaha.well honey, not politician jer amik kesempatan..manusia sume ade that capability.

-hanya kerana kite cakap politician mkan 2 bilion, tp da fact is rmi org malaysia still kt lepak shopping kt giant, mkn kfc.

agree with BB, gile idealistic jugak nk tye sume pandangan rakyat in any decision.pupular decision x semestinyer tepat..
we need a leader.
politic is one of the way to find a leader.

kite la, kene pilih btol2.


Basuh Baju said...

semua: after all, we're agree to disagree. :)

Ez, johan, nami and I certainly share the common goal which is to make this world better.

Johan said...

BB- in the first place,kenapa ramai yg tak tahu pasal polisi2 tu..adakah sebab politicians tak mahu the laymen to know so that their(politicians) jobs tak jadi leceh sgt?

every decision on policies akan affect semua org,on way or another..why tak nak disseminate information kpd mereka so that depa be informed of apa yg perlu dorg tahu untuk suarakan pendapat dorg..

statement aku sebelum ni keras sgt,it's just that aku rasa ko punya pemikiran dah makin terkebelakang dari entri2 lama ko..sorry,no offence..

p/s:textbooks should only be guidance,bukan untuk formulate ideas..

Johan said...

Anonymous- sekarang ni takde rumah2 org dirobohkan atas alasan pembangunan?takde anak2 yg tak dpt ke sekolah sbb miskin?selamat ke sekarang ni?takde org amik kesempatan ke atas yg miskin?

kita sekarang hidup dlm keadaan yg buatkan kita ada ilusi bahawa sekeliling kita aman dan kita patut patut bersyukur bla bla bla all that bullshit..buka minda tu,perhatikan dan fikir betul2..


its clear that ko tak understand apa yg ko nak counter kat sini..ko tak faham konsep dan perjuangan socialism..

Basuh Baju said...

johan: tu dah masuk bab lain dari segi freedom of information.

aku against OSA n aku support FOA.

Rakyat perlu tahu. Itu mesti. Tapi berkaitan dgn every decision making should be included all the people, I against it. Mmg definetely gov dont know best. Tehy should listen to the people but what type of people.

I mean dgr ckp rakyat- tp selective. Bukan semua.

Am I clear?

Its okey- intrepetasi kita ttg pemikiran yg progresif dan terkebelakang adalah berbeza... :)

Ez Puella Sapiens said...

how do you define textbook oriented mindset? kat harvard, oxford they used nobel laurete punya buku sbg textbook. Or maybe the exact question should be- which textbook?

How I define "textbook mindset"?

OK,you boleh sebut semua Nobel Laureate or any acedemians are also writing textbooks.The writings,and the thinking,are different.

OK,kenapa I cakap you "textbook mindset"?OK,bila Nami told you about "kena tanya semua rakyat",then your arguement with him is this:

"macam mana nak tanya semua orang?kena pakai elections,referendum?Takkan setiap kali nak buat decision kena buat referendum?"

I tergelak sebab entry before this talking about textbook mindset.Tiba-tiba you represent textbook mindset.

Kan ada SMS,internet,e-mail etcetera?Rakyat tak boleh nak contribute ideas dengan benda-benda tu ke?Kalau SMS boleh tentukan juara Malaysian Idol or Akedemi Fantasia,why tak boleh tentukan dasar untuk rakyat sendiri?

You fikir macam tu sebab you rasa telco is capitalist,then kalau dah the system are already abolished,you bolehlah gunakan technology for sake of social needs.

Ada jugak dikalangan socialist pun ada textbook mindset jugak.Apa yang Karl Marx or Lenin tulis,main ikut je,tak ada own conscious sendiri.Contohnya orang-orang macam Stalin,Kruchev,Gorbachev etc.

About your statement pasal automobile policy,industrial policy,hey,policy makers are bullshit la.Dia buat polisi,cakap kat financial seminar and forums kat hotel 5 stars,tapi yang buat kereta tu siapa?Workers.Yang kerja kat kilang-kilang tu pun workers.Bukan neo-liberal yackers ni.Dorang membebel je dengan necktie dorang.

That's why I kata,you don't need politicians,economic advisors and so on.Sebab they all knows bullshit.When Barack Obama announces his economic team nak selamatkan US economy,what happen?

15 million US workers lost their jobs.

And that's your referance?

About stateless society,to answer Anonymous conundrum,kalau perang nanti anak tak pergi sekolah?Hey,itu namanya self-centered mindset namanya.You fikir kalau Malaysian revolt,berperang sampai tak pergi sekolah anak semua.Have you ever been to South Africa?You pergi kat setinggan kat Soweto then you akan tengok ratus-ribu children tak pergi sekolah.

You only self-centered freak.

And,workers ni nak perang sangat ke?Yang nak perang ni capitalist.You tengok Lockheed Martin invest dalam military developement,billions of dollars.Workers nak decent life,nak hidup yang selesa.Yang greed ni capitalist.So,kick out this parasite from our society then kita semua boleh hidup aman,anak you boleh pergi sekolah,anak orang Soweto pun boleh pergi sekolah.

Or else,you pun kena pergi sekolah sebab masa dulu,orang-orang macam you nak pergi sekolah bukan sebab nak dapat ilmu,tapi sebab nak lulus periksa,nak masuk universiti,dapat degree and dapat kerja best.And that's textbook mindset.

Ez Puella Sapiens said...

Oh ya,Basuh Baju,you ada tanya I "oxford harvard pun refer textbook jugak".

Memang la,university system macam sekolah jugak.Textbooky.Either you kat Oxford ke,or KDU College,semuanya textbooky.

So,you nak successful in your studies in university,be a textbooky guy.Tapi setakat tu je la.

Harvard people pun idiots jugak,sebab you nak masuk situ,kena ada US$100,000 for fees.Orang kaya yang bodoh pun boleh masuk.In fact,ramai apa kroni-kroni Robert Mugabe in Harvard and Oxford.They all masuk Harvard and Oxford doesn't mean they all pandai.

Masuk university tak bermakna pandai.

Anonymous said...


just when people attack my personality instead of the contain of argument itself,and called me a self center freak..well obviously she/he dont really have a good standpoint.

ez honey,
the idea of nk kick out all the capaitalist from the society pon da superb u sugguest us to implement that?

n again ez honey,
if we really ask rakyat through sms, thats mean even 5 years old kid can sms and say no. and we definitely need to hire more people for read the sms or else, the process to build a simple tadika pon will take longer times.
i mean, we have to think logically and practicality,
and giving too much power to people as simple as sms, will giving them no responsibility at all for any decision.

maybe i dont really understand stateless, but again, how we going to implement that. and historically when too much power given to people, it will turn out a big blunder..

in short,
the reason y i agree with BB because its practical and can be done..

Cob Nobbler said...


lu jangan la terasa ke ape dengan ez tu.dia memang jenis camtu,hahaha!

bagi aku la,how to make politician better..

how about "how to make dog stop to bark".

Dah nature,politicians memang culprit,pembelit,pembohong penipu,nak ubah dorang jadi baik?

Lagi senang wat skill 360 pakai moto Vespa.

Weh,bagi aku senang je,buang politicians dalam laut,pastu rakyat urus sendiri hal ekonomi sendiri.Tak usah kisah nak beli kapal selam ke,kapal perang ke apa jadah.

Tapi ada la suara-suara yang kata "macam mana,mana boleh".Wek!Kita ramai,dorang tu sikit,sekali taji semua blah.

Ada senjata?Siapa yang bina senjata tu kalau bukan pekerja?Ada kapal selam?Siapa yang bina kapal selam tu kalau bukan pekerja?Bukan Obama atau Najib dengan titik peluh die yang bina,titik peluh pekerja.

Jadi toksahlah nak bebel,politicians to be better.Dorang tu macam anjing,kerja dia menyalak.Satu cara nak bagi senyap ialah tembak anjing tu(ni perumpamaan,bukan betul2).

Toksahlah nak berkiblatkan kepala dongga yang merepek tak sudah2 ni.

How to make politicians better?

Eliminate them.

Ez Puella Sapiens said...


I would like to comment on your statement "if we really ask rakyat through sms, thats mean even 5 years old kid can sms and say no. and we definitely need to hire more people for read the sms or else, the process to build a simple tadika pon will take longer times."

So,do you think 5 years old don't have a right to express their thoughts?I believe in universal suffrage,above all of everything.Age,education backgrounds,location does not suppress right to think.Sometimes 5 years old can think wiser than 50 years old,did you agree on that?

And about your question,

"the idea of nk kick out all the capaitalist from the society pon da superb u sugguest us to implement that?

You know what,History Textbook KBSM does not telling you dialectical materialism history.History Textbook KBSM does not tell you in proper way how capitalism has developed from the brink of Bastille Revolution 1789.That's why I told you,you're a person with textbook mindset,because you didn't haven't thought how capitalism grows.

Rather than wasting my time telling you how capitalism has started(better find the way to know it),I think this is the proper way to answer your conundrum.

Nothing last forever.Like feudalism and slave system which too strong,Roman Empire or Genghis Khan are already drop dead.So,if you open your eyes and see how many workers lost their jobs,for a sake of some freak greed(those capitalist bastards who own billions from workers sweat,blood and tears),and to see how this system always broke down every 10 years.From Herbert Hoover to Eisenhower,from Reagan to Obama,it's always has a time to broke down.

So,to prevent this world to broke down again to this system,we need new system.Simple,because capitalism won't work as it's should.We need a new system,based on genuine democracy and providing for society needs.

And if you're not self-centered freak as I told you earlier,you will have a thought on this,okay?Unless if you still care for your own family to go McDonalds or Baskin Robbins on weekend and spent money more than the poor spend their whole week,then you're self-centered freak.Ever wonder 45 million Americans living in poverty line,which America is "capitalist superhero"?

You couldn't care less.All you care is to save your salary to buy new car.

Prove me wrong,dude.

p/s:Practicality is something to be practical,but over and over the years,politicians always betray us.So,if you were saying you're agree that BB ask all the politicians to be nice,it's like asking tigers and lions to be vegan.

To make it short,IT'S NOT PRACTICAL.

Ez Puella Sapiens said...

"cakap senang bolehlah" - anonymous.

Memang senang sebenarnya,tapi orang yang macam you susah benak sangat nak faham.

Prove me wrong,prove me wrong.You can't,don't you?

Anonymous said...


apsal ler korang ni bongek sangat ni?

politicians are crappy. full stop.
get over it.

and 5 year olds are not wise.
they can be smart. but wise? no.
never. get over it.

sure we'd like to make better politicians. who wouldn't?

im sure we'd like to live in an ideal world. but we dont.

so get over it.