BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters)- Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi called on Thursday for a "jihad" or armed struggle against Switzerland, which he called an infidel state that was destroying mosques.
"Any Muslim in any part of the world who works with Switzerland is an apostate, is against [the Prophet] Muhammad, God and the Koran," Col. Gadhafi said during a meeting in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi to mark the prophet's birthday.
"The masses of Muslims must go to all airports in the Islamic world and prevent any Swiss plane landing, to all harbors and prevent any Swiss ships docking, inspect all shops and markets to stop any Swiss goods being sold," Col. Gadhafi said.
Libya's relations with Switzerland broke down in 2008 when a son of Gaddafi was arrested in a Geneva hotel and charged with abusing domestic servants

When people declare war on others (especially using religion as a tool), they believe themselves to be just.
They believe that God is on their side.
Truth is, God knows they are insane.
ps: using God, Prophet and Religion as an instrument is the worst act of heretics.