Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's all about economy, stupid! Not race or religion...

Entry ini susulan daripada entry sebelum ini. (Soal-jawab bersama Basuh Baju)

Kepada semua (bukan kepada Reek sahaja).

Sila baca entry daripada blog Teh Tarik Gelas Besar. Saudara Nami telah menjelaskan sebaik mungkin tentang apa yang berlaku di dalam kehidupan kita. Mungkin ada yang bersetuju dan mungkin tidak. Tetapi di akhirnya kita saling memperbaiki pandangan masing-masing.

Sebarang pandangan dan pendapat adalah dialu-alukan. Mari Berdiskusi! Terima Kasih.


Cob Nobbler said...

Saudi Arabia:Cuba tengok di Mekah.Berapa ramai yang tadah tangan sambil cakap "sadaqah..sadaqah..fisabillilah..",semuanya orang Islam,kan?

Tapi orang Amerika boleh beli banglo,rompak hasil bumi Hijjaz..banglo kat Riyadh tu berdendang-dendang.

Dubai:Orang Islam yang bekerja sebagai buruh kasar dapat 1/10 dari pendapatan sebenar.

Donald Trump dapat pengecualian cukai beli rumah harga US$250 mil kat pulau tambak bentuk pokok kelapa.

China:Rakyat China yang memburuh mendapat gaji 5 yuan sehari(RM2.50).

Pepsi and co mendapat untung US$20 juta seminggu dari penjualan air Pepsi di China sahaja.

Manchester:Saudagar Arab membeli Manchester City dengan harga yang paling tinggi sekali dalam sejarah.

Noel Gallagher,hanya mampu mengoffer harga 1/10 dari harga saudagar Arab itu,walaupun anak jati Manchester dan peminat setia City,diketepikan.

Kuala Lumpur:Seorang suri rumah Melayu ditangkap kerana mencuri megi dan petai.

Eric Chia songlap duit rakyat nak selamatkan Perwaja Steel tapi relax aje,kan?

Washington D.C:Barack Obama meluluskan pelan rangsangan berjumlah US$3 trillion untuk menyelamatkan bank-bank dan industri-industri akibat kegawatan ekonomi.

Penduduk kulit hitam di Bible Belt - negeri-negeri Selatan USA(Missisippi,Alabama,Georgia,Tennessee) merupakan peratus terbesar yang dibuang kerja.Kemiskinan melebihi 25 peratus,tertinggi di USA.

"It's about economy,stupid" - Bill Clinton bila berdebat dengan George Bush Senior pilihanraya 1992.

reek said...


I thought we r in the same page, since you've been hailing the ketuanan rakyat, but my thought was wrong. Your version of ketuanan Rakyat is about economic then, not the whole equality.

well, its okay for me as long as you believe in ketuanan rakyat one day we will see ketuanan Melayu of UMNO BN goes down, and the bumiputra and Islam superiority goes down with it.

and may be my son will marry your converted daughter then.

I'll take my leave now,


Basuh Baju said...

Dear reek:

When we have economic equality between all the people (I mean rakyat Malaysia), we don't need to care anymore whether you're malay, chinese, muslim, non muslim, bumi or non bubmi anymore.

Why I'm saying this?

It's simply because people are happy. Why? Because they have and get their share in economy cake.

The BIG problem that lies in our race relation right now, its not because we have the Malay PM or muslim can't convert to other religion, but it's because the people are left behind in terms of economy.

You fix the problem and people are happy. You fix the economy system and the people are happy. When people are happy, do they going to fight with each other?

However, you have ur point when you said why do we need to be superior to others. Why do we need the terms Bumi or non-bumi? Why can't the PM being elected from the chinese community since the chinese also the citizen of Malaysia.

I agree with you in this case.

But my question is: Let say all these problems are settled. There is no bumi terms. There is no law restricted muslim from convert. But do the economy system are going to change from suppressing to equality? Do the people are going to happy and suddenly can embrace with each other and say hi?

I doubt so.

That's why Nami and I said, it's not about race or religion. It's all about economy. That's it.

We don't care the terms bumi or non-bumi.

We don't care what ketuanan it is.

We don't give a damn what race is our PM.

What we care here is our economy. What we care here is our people regardless of race and religion.

Clear my friend?

See you again Reek. :)


Anonymous said...


Rabbana la tu ziak qulubana bakda iz hadaitana...

"Tuhan kami jgnlah engkau goyangkan hati km (memberi rasa sangsi ttg Islam) setelah engkau memberi hidayah (Islam) pada km..."