DAP sering mendakwa parti politik yang berasaskan bangsa adalah parti yang rasis. Hanya parti yang menerima ahli dari pelbagai kaum sahaja dianggap berbilang bangsa. Oleh itu DAP dianggap parti politik yang tidak rasis. Tetapi adakah ianya benar?
Apabila seorang pengetua di Johor mengeluarkan kenyataan yang rasis, Lim Kit Siang- pemimpin DAP yang paling demokratik di Malaysia telah mendesak kerajaan mengambil tindakan yang tegas. Malah si rasis dan ekstremis yang mengeluarkan kenyataan rasis haruslah dihukum- jika perlu, ditahan di bawah ISA.
Mendengar desakan daripada pemimpin politik yang paling lama di Malaysia, kerajaan telah bertindak tegas untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap Namewee yang telah menyiarkan video klip rasis sebagai tindak balas terhadap pengetua tersebut.
Tetapi DAP- yang terkejut dengan tindakan pantas kerajaan telah tampil untuk mempertahankan Namewee. Sebaliknya kali ini DAP mahukan kerajaan menyiasat pihak polis. Bukankah DAP yang mahukan kerajaan bertindak tegas? Ini tidak tumpah samanya seperti tindakan Perkasa yang mempertahankan pengetua sekolah di Johor. Adakah DAP adalah Perkasa versi Cina? Atau perjuangan anti-rasis DAP bersifat selektif? Tetapi bukankah DAP parti berbilang bangsa?
DAP boleh terus mendakwa mereka adalah parti politik yang tidak rasis dan berbilang bangsa. Mereka boleh terus menuduh UMNO, MCA dan MIC adalah parti yang rasis. Tetapi menjadi parti yang membuka keahliannya kepada semua kaum tidak bermakna mereka tidak rasis. Malah mereka lebih teruk kerana bersikap hipokrit. Setidak-tidaknya UMNO, Perkasa, MCA dan MIC mengaku mereka mempertahankan bangsa masing-masing.
Selamat hari merdeka ke 53! Semoga Malaysia menjadi lebih demokratik agar isu perkauman dan agama dapat terus dimainkan dengan lebih dashyat.
bila terkena pada bangsa sendiri baru gelabah ... DAP tak kenang budi dan tak sedar diri.. btw.. i'm not racist.. juz opinion..
tak perasan aku dari sudut tu.
terima kasih, bb.
dah tengok video nah tu
xde racist
esok ku post video tu
aduhai bb.
ini real politik.
wayang dimaenkan untok menipu rakyat.
media perdana akan melaporkan berita yang kononnya tindakan kerajaan adalah betol. tapi sebenarnya kerajaan lupa - internet adalah medium terkini utk rakyat.
rakyat adalah hakim. rakyat bolih menilai sendiri. TQ!
Ssalam merdeka,
apa cerita dengan Parti Cinta Negara ??
sonyap joo
i like this post.
masakes surau kat seremban kena cat merah, lim kit sial ni diam jek, kes pengetua selangor kecoh 1 malaysia...
remember teresa kok issue with 'chinese' lady? turn out to be malay and she just keep quiet
Aslmualaikum BB
DAP parti perkauman.
like this post
salam ramadhan untuk semua =)
Maaf bro...tp gua rasa this is your worst post bro...mcm malas nak tulis je. Lepas batuk je. X mcm your writing style la...mcm bukan ko tulis je :p
2 wrong doesn't make it right...lu dah tgk ke video Namewee tu sblm nak bebel2 ni ?
Btw apa jadi dgn gurubesar tu ek ? xde apa tindakan pun bro ? adil ke tu ? biasa la tu kan coz depa melayu.
1Malaysia ke ni ? Lu dgn DAP pun 2x5 la bro...hehe. Konon la transformasi...talk only, no substance la
Zengoth: pengetua di johor tu mmg
Aku tak pernah kata dan tak akan
kata tindakan dia tu betul.
Soalan aku: kenapa bila namewee
pun keluar statement rasis spt
mengutuk bangsa melayu DAP nak
defend dia?
Apa salahnya condemn sekali mcm
MCA buat?
Kalau betul video tu tak rasis,
Kenapa remove?
Pengetua di johor sdg disiasat
ikut prosedur. Sama mcm namewee.
Apa bezanya di sini?
Bknnya sorg kena ISA dan sorg lg
Posting ni mmg nak cuit2 sikit je.
Takkan nak tulis benda serius pjg2
Selalu kan?
Sekarang ni kau blh gtau aku tak
Dlm hal ni kenapa DAP takes such a
racist xperlu dibalas racist
kalau tidak inilah jadinya
bagi aku selagi pemimpin di atas sana bersikap racist maka orang bawahan tak akan berubah
merdeka hanya pada nama tapi tidak pada jiwa
i think dap's stand on namawee is based on their stance on freedom of expression and not a racist reaction. I do think they would react the same way if it was a malay guy who made such a video.
altho i do not agree w dap supporting namawee automatically anyway. it was a crass video which was rude, to say the least. rudeness should not tolerated, ever.
my two cents.
This country was all along a land for Orang Asli. The Chinese originated from China, Indians originated from India, malays originated from Indonesia etc. China get to give priority to the Chinese, India get to give priority to the Indians, and the malays are just freeloading from the Orang Asli land by claming it is bumi land.
This is because they are doing what Allah said……….Allah told malays to come from Indonesia and steal the land from Orang Asli and use Orang Asli as slaves. So when is Malaysia giving priority to Orang Asli?
The only time Malaysia is not a racist country is when an Orang Asli becomes the prime minister of Malaysia - which is never - it is a genocide in the name of Allah!
Show me when do the malays consult or ever extend their hands in friendship. Do the malays really treat non-malays with equity and fairness?
Seriously, I think all races in Malaysia treat each others at arms length. The malays expect other races to kowtow to them and never the way around. For example, Chinese and Indians were made to learn and study malay culture but the malays are not made to learn and study Chinese and Indian culture.
Why do the malays have to be in a superior position (oppressive one at that) all the time? What is wrong for Malaysia to have, say a Chinese chief justice or an Indian chief of armed forces or even a prime minister!
How do we expect them to continue with their goodwill if we do not ever treat them with equity and fairness? I think the malays are paranoid and are projecting their own insecurity onto others.
That is my point and it is time that we begin to envision the land of ours from an inclusively point of view instead of exclusivity point of view. We have to begin this starting point somehow, somewhere and the time is now.
You are wasting your time by presenting the facts. Fact means nothing to them and you should know that by now. The Malaysian Muslims are seriously stupid and severely retarded. I am simply having fun. I work with them everyday and I cannot describe to you their inability to formulate simple logic.
As an adult trying to make it in the real world, I have developed a clear understanding of what goes on around me.
And this what I believe is the real situation in Malaysia. As long as the malays get their way in how things are done in Malaysia – there will never be any serious development in Malaysia.
This is the fundamental. Please avoid giving example of successful malays, because economically, the numbers are too darn low to mean anything. Negligible they call it.
Malays must realise that as humans – they are I suppose equal. But as peoples, they have attitude that is exactly like the aborigines of Africa. Completely hopeless, no matter what you give them.
The malays can never win – for as long as they chose to do things the way it is done now. Eventually, the other races would consume them economically, and they would be second class citizens. This is a matter of time.
My opinion is – the only way for them to succeed, is to take away all special rights and learn to get by on their own abilities. The stupid and weak malays would die – and only the bright ones would survive.
They are doing themselves a favour by taking away their special rights. Because look around you, the other races are getting stronger because our weak ones are dying.
We will continue to get stronger. And there will be a day, when we control all the financial means in the country. Then it is a matter of buying off each one of you puny malays – and then take over the country.
Part 1 - The origin of pendatang:
· Malays - come from Indonesia and Yunnan.
· Chinese - come from China.
· Indians - come from India.
Part 2 - Why they come to Malaysia:
· Malays - easy life, food aplenty around those days, like fish from the river etc.
· Chinese - looking for a living.
· Indians - looking for a living and goes back.
Part 3 - Pendatang's attitude:
· Malays - the words 'relax la', 'bantuan kerajaan' and 'cukup makan' are their daily words.
· Chinese - work, work and work but also spend.
· Indians - work, earn and save but spend little.
Looking at the mindsets of various pendatang. You tell me is it possible to be one Bangsa Malaysia? Never! For oil will never mix with water.
If you tell the Chinese to close down Chinese schools, the children will not taught to be hardworking anymore, so they become lazy and can they ask for bantuan kerajaan?
No! Right? So let the Chinese have more Chinese schools to teach the principle of hardworking, integrity, trustworthy etc, thus others can get more shares.
Those days the government control the Chinese schools is because of communist. Now where got communist again? Bodoh!
UMNO is only good at spinning and deceiving the people, in particular the malays. The younger generation of malays now are smarter then their forefathers. The smart malays are shying away from UMNO because UMNO has deceived them for far the last 50 years. UMNO has brought harm onto themselves.
Yes. Every human have a working brain except malay, even the malay itself agree. Malays are stupid, lazy and idiotic. Malays are the most stupid human race ever exits.
Of course Chinese is way smarter and more superior in every fucking way compared to a retarded malay. Chinese is a world race, a race with pride, with a great history and civilisation, we are hardworking and clever, every country lead by Chinese is strong and rich.
This is not self compliment but prove can be seen at Taiwan, Singapore and China. China has an economic growth so fast it has never happen in any other country before. Even the Americans agree.
What is malay? Malay is just a tiny piece of cow dunk left over in this earth. No one like malay. Don't agree? Show me which country lead by malay is well developed?
Hahaha. Malay should be left for extinction from this world as they are a bunch of stupid retarded lazy asshole.
Nice one Basuh Baju.
God bless u dan Selamat hari Raya ok.
Memandu dengan selamat dihari perayaan ini
oversee, reek, miya, romsam, fargowin...
ini anak pelacur cina babi 5 ekor belum mampus lagi kah? cuma tahu copy and paste saja kah? bodoh sangat kah ini babi pelacur cina 5 ekor?
oversee, reek, miya, romsam, fargowin...
i've seen these names before..
youngsters hired by the country down under to post racial comments on most Malaysian's blog.
still alive & active eh?
org muda zamn skrng taw complain jer tanpa megetahui sejrh..go back and read history and what i mean is the real history...bukan yg diolah dan yg sudh diubah...pesanan ni khas untuk sumer anak muda tanpa mengira bangsa.......
- If MALAY want to defend their RIGHTS in this country, they are CALLED RACISM...
- If CHINEESE want to defend their RIGHTS in this country, they are CALLED JUSTICE and CLAIMING THEIR RIGHTS...
It's a fact...
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